Jewish Multimedia Library

Rabbi Y. Johnson

Rosh Hakollel of Kollel Menachem Melbourne

Heroic Souls - A Glimpse into the G-dly World of Special Children
Presidential Election - Shalos U Teshuvos
Purim Ad D’Lo Yada
Siyum Hashas BeIyun Day 6
Siyum Hashas BeIyun Day 7
The Rabbi's Views on Micdrop
Chulin Daf 24
Chulin Daf 27
Chulin Daf 31
Chulin Daf 35
Civil & Reform Marriage according to Halacha
Coles verses the kosher store: Buying from Jewish stores verses non-Jewish stores. What if the prices are cheaper
Coronavirus : Is a Medical prationer obligated to put themselves in life threatening situation?
Kohanim visiting grave sites of Tzadiikim
Shaalos and Teshovos on the census
Shaalos and Teshuvos -Air conditioning on shabbos: Asking a Goy to switch on
Shaalos and Teshuvos; on Buying Alcohol
Shalos U'Teshuvos ; Smoking
Shalos UTeshuvos: Paying for Communal Services/taxes 1
The Voluntary Euthenasia Bill -Examing the Halachic View on Euthanasia and other end of life issues
Chaos and Perfection; The Kabbalistic Paradigm for Successful Marriage
Child Custody – Right or Responsibility
The Most Important Quality for Leadership
The World of Thought and the World of Speech
Dreams -What are they, where do they come from and how are they interpreted
Sugya on Moshaich and Geula part 4
Siyum Hashas BeIyun -Part 5
Siyum Hashas Beiyun Part 1
Siyum Hashas BeIyun Part 2
Siyum Hashas BeIyun part 4
Siyum Hashas Beiyun- Part 3
Covid 19 Vaacine; Do I have to Take it; Am I allowed to take it?
The Quill of the Soul - Uncover the true depth behind Music and its place in the service of God
123 Magic The Torah

Halachos of Muktzah 2
Laws of the Bais Hamikdash Part 1
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Laws of the Beis Hamikdash Part 2
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
The Beis Hamikdosh in Chassidus - An in-depth textual Chassidus Shiur for Women
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Two Alters; Matters of the Heart - two types of love to Hashem what they are and how we use them
Is a Jew allowed to ascend on Har Habayis?
Tefillin in Depth; Part 1
Chassidus of the Menorah
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Chanukah Shaalos and Teshuvos
Shaalos U'teshuvos -Public Menorah Lightings -Is one Yotzei Menorah
Shaalos U'teshuvos: Mentioning Chanukah in Mein Shalos and Al Hanisim
Menorah in the Beis Hamikdosh - Part 1
Menorah in the Beis Hamikdosh - Part 2
Menorah in the Beis Hamikdosh - Part 3
Menorah in the Beis Hamikdosh - Part4
Bosi Legani 5720 Maamar - A guided overview and summary of this year maamer and its key themes
Tefillin in Depth Series Part 2
Soul Searching - An in Depth look at the Yechidah
In Depth Chassidus: Maamer Vayigash/Hey Teves 1
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
In Depth Chassidus: Maamer Vayigash/Hey Teves 2
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
In Depth Chassidus: Maamer Vayigash/Hey Teves 3
In Depth Chassidus: Maamer Vayigash/Hey Teves 4
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Tishrei Halachos, Davening for mothers with young kids
Real Change - Making this Elul different - 1. Introduction to Rabbi Jacobson
Halachic Aspects of Hot Mikvah
Halachos of Shabbos relating to Beauty Care and Grooming Part 1
Halachos of Shabbos relating to Beauty Care and Grooming Part 2
Introduction to Semicha Program for balabatim
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Shaalos U'Teshuvos -Playing Ball on Shabbos
Shaalos U'teshuvos paying for communal services(taxes) part 2
Divorce by Force
Location: Yeshivah Shule
Gemara Shabbos
Location: Yeshivah Shule
Gemara Shabbos
Location: Yeshivah Shule
Gemara Shabbos
Location: Yeshivah Shule
Heter Michirah; Understanding of one greatest Halachic controversies of the modern era
Stop, Thief!
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Is Gaza Holy A Post-disengagement analysis of its historical & halachic status
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Halachos of Muktza 1
Halachos of Straining on Shabbos
7 Chassidic Insights from the 7 Rebbeaim on Shavous and Matan Torah
Apples - A simple minhag that reaches the core and essence of Rosh Hashona
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Lag B'omer: Crossing Over Lavan, Bilaam, Kabbalah and the Rashbi
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
The Smell of Purim
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
How Do You Hold Your Challahs?
Location: Yeshivah Shule
Electing Community Leaders 1
Electing Community Leaders 2
Electing Community Leaders 3
Tzedakah Fundraising Dinners - A selection of Teshuvos
People in black hats should not throw stones - a lesson in tolerance
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Cleaning for Pesach with Confidence 2016
Gluten Free and Pesach
Pesach cleaning what really needs to be done
Shaalos U' Teshuvos Pesach
Is one allowed to be in Yerushalyim erev pesach as may be chayav in Korban Pesach?
Criticism: When is it necessary and how to make it easier to swallow
Critsism - Why we dont like recieving it and how to use it effectively
Bava Metzia Daf 87
Chulin Daf 25
Chulin Daf 27
Chulin Daf 30
Chulin Daf 34
Chulin Daf 36
Moad Katan Daf 6
Moad Katan Daf 7
Pesachim Daf 116
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Pesachim Daf 117
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Pesachim Daf 118
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Shekalim Daf 16
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Teffilin in Depth Part 4
Teffilin in Depth Part 3
Laws of Shemittah from classical sources 2
Laws of Shemittah from classical sources 1
Exploring the Mitzva of Hakhel 03
Exploring the Mitzva of Hakhel 1
Exploring the Mitzva of Hakhel 2
Sugya on Moshaich and geula part 3
Sugya on Moshaich and Geula part 5
Sugya on Moshaich and geula part 6
Sugya on Moshiach and Geula 2
Sugya on Moshiach and Geulah 1
Gemoro Menochos Perek Tcheiles 01
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Gemoro Menochos Perek Tcheiles 02
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Gemoro Menochos Perek Tcheiles 03
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Gemoro Menochos Perek Tcheiles 04
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Gemoro Menochos Perek Tcheiles 05
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Gemoro Menochos Perek Tcheiles 06
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Gemoro Menochos Perek Tcheiles 07
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
In Depth Talmud: 8 lights, 8 Insights Part 1
In Depth Talmud: 8 lights, 8 insights Part 2
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
In Depth Talmud: 8 lights, 8 Insights Part 3
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
In Depth Talmud: 8 lights, 8 Insights Part 4
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
In Depth Talmud: 8 lights, 8 insights Part 5
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
In Depth Talmud: 8 lights, 8 insights part 7
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
In Depth Talmud: 8 lights, 8 insights part 8
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Yaakov's Wrestle with the Angel- Parshas Vayishlach
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
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