Jewish Multimedia Library

Chassidic Tales

Rebbetzin Rivka

Mrs. Shternie Althaus

Stories of Hashgacha Pratis

Rabbi L. Broh

Story Purim Ibrahim Pasha: How a Jewish general saved the Jews of Chevron
Story Rabbi Meir Shapiro founds the Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin
Story Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin starts Daf Yomi
Story Reb Hillel and Rabbi Yehuda Asaad
Story Reb Hillel meets the Divrei Chaim of Sanz
Story Reb Hillel of Kolomaya and the thief
Story The Tchortkover Rebbe gives Rabbi Meir Shapiro his direction in life
Story: The Maggid of Mezritch makes a profound impact on a businessman from Slutzk
Story: The Tailors Lechaim with Hashem
The Radomsker Rebbe makes a wayward son in law return to his people
Mishna Keilim: 19; 8-9
Mishna Machshirin 3: 4-5
Mishna Machshirin 5: 8-9
Mishna Machshirin 6: 1-2
Mishna Machshirin 6: 5-6
Parshas Chayai Sarah: A puzzling Midrash - When Avrohom buried Sarah , he buried Chavi as well ( Tzror HaMor)
Parshas Lech Lecha A puzzling Midrash - When Avrohom buried Sarah , he buried Chavi as well
Story A dollar for a taxi driver
Story The mugging of a mother, saves her son who lives to become Rabbi Moshe Sherer
Story: Reb Yisroel of Ruzhin discovers the secret behind the name of a village called Yisrulvo
An assimilated Jew’s Yizkor for his father stirs controversy , but is defended by the Seridei Aish
R Zalman Bronstein sings Kol Nidrei in a forest during WW2
Rabbi Yosef Shaul Nathanson meets Reb Meir of Premishlan
Rav Chaims fundraiser needs to be dressed well
Rav Eliyahu Lopian - history and anecdotes
Ribnitzer Rebbe saving lives under Nazi occupation
Stoey :The day Avnei Nezer did not join in for a prayer for the King of Poland.mp3
Stories about Reb Yankele of Antwerp
Story - How Shavuos brought a Tikun to a wayward son
Story A biography of the Baal Shem Tov
Story A Cheque from Olam HaEmes
Story A drive from NY to Montreal ends in an unexpected shidduch
Story A Hidden Tzaddik reveals the secret to stop the plague in Ostroh.
Story A Jewish girl defies the Russian Goverment in keeping the Shabbos.mp3
Story A shidduch lost , a Rebbe found , the Chozeh of Lublin
Story A shtreimel in communist Romania
Story Baking Matzos in the Mauthausen Concentration Camp
Story Burial of a Torah by Osher Atchildayev
Story Hakafot Shniot in Kikar HaBimah 5781
Story How the Arizal met his foremost student and successor Rabbi Chaim Vital
Story Missed three buses in a row but helped a shidduch take place on the fourth
Story Mr Trachtenberg the philanthropist meets Rabbi Shmuel Salan
Story of Yud Tes Kislev 1: Arrest of the Alter Rebbe
Story of Yud Tes Kislev 2: Opposition to the Alter Rebbe and false accusations
Story of Yud Tes Kislev 3 :The Alter Rebbes imprisonment and release after 53 days
Story Rabbi Dovid Ben Chassin marries off the first of nine daughters
Story Rabbi Raphael Ben Shimon helps Sultan Fuad to take back his queen
Story Rabbi Shimon Sofer has an explanation for Kaiser Franz Josef
Story Rabbi Yosef Shmuel becomes the Rabbi of Frankfurt after answering the 3 questions
Story Rabbi Yosef Shmuel the new Rabbi , saves the Jews of Frankfurt from a blood libel
Story Rav Avrohom Galanti meets the Arizal
Story Rav Shaul Brachs brocho from Rav Yehoshua Rokeach of Belz
Story Reb Elimelech calls Hashem to a Din Torah - regarding a wedding tax
Story Reb Leib Sarahs helps an apostate return
Story Reb Levi Yitzchok Schneersohn
Story Reb Meir of Premishlan prays for his daughter
Story Reb Michel of Zlotchovs journey to the Baal Shem Tov
Story Reb Moshe Shulzinger gets his voice back for the Yomim Noraim
Story Reb Pesach Langzam gets his payment after all , and his son Tzvi Elimelech gets to see Eliyahu
Story Reb Pinchos Koritzer uncovers the secret behind the publisher of the Ohr HaChaim Chumash printed in Shklov
Story Reb Zecharia the Gabbai Tzeddoko has a dream
Story Seeing from a distance ... the Rebbe saves a marriage
Story Tehillim of the Heiliger Ruszhiner
Story The brocho given by the Tzaddik of Liske to a prison warden
Story The Alter Rebbe tells his chossid to take three challahs on his travels
Story The Apter Rov relates what brought him to Reb Elimelech
Story The Arizal instructs Reb Chaim Vital to visit the graves of Abaye and Rava
Story The Arizal sends two of his greatest Talmidim to the Maharshal.
Story The Av Beis Din of Yerushalayim , Rav Yitzchok Tuvya Weiss escapes the Shoah via the Kindertransport
Story The Baal Shem Tov and daughter get invited to a Seder in Istanbul
Story The Ben Ish Chai appears in dreams ( 2 stories)
Story The Chasam Sofer strength as a Posek
Story The Divrei Chaim of Sanz helps to fund one chassuna by stopping another one
Story The Divrei Chaim’s challah saves his chossid
Story The Heiliger Ruszhiner hints to who will the third Rebbe of Chabad
Story The Hungarian Ministers offer of coffee and milk is refused
Story The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s brochos for Rabbi Ormlands son - the decree is over
Story The Maharal plays the role of judge as a child
Story The Maskilim’s plan thwarted by a brave young Rabbi later to become the sixth Lubavitcher , the Rebbe Rayatz .
Story The mugging of a mother, saves her son who lives to become Rabbi Moshe Sherer
Story The Rabbi who was told to be a wagon driver and then back to be a Rabbi. ( רבי יוסף מבישינקוביץ)
Story The Rashab tells a widow to travel to Petersburg
Story The Rebbe Maharash sends an applicant for Rabbonus to Reb Shlomo Ganzfried
Story The Rebbe’s Brocha , and a kind deed by a Shliach, brings candlelight to a Jewish home
Story The Rokeach of Belz and Dr. Moses
Story The Rosh HaShans when Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld allowed an Avel to be the Chazan
Story The Shpoler Zeide calls the Almighty to a Din Torah
Story The Skulener Rebbe and Senator Jackson
Story The strange response of the Kotsker to the father of an ailing child - young Avrohom of Sochatchov - the Avnei Nezer .
Story To save the hurt of embarrassment - the shidduch of the Chofetz Chaim
Story: A blessing from Reb Dovber the Mittler Rebbe of Lubavitch averts the anger of the Apta Rov
Story: A brocho from the Rashab for Hashovas Aveida
Story: A grandson of Rabbi Baumgarten returns to the fold
Story: A mother has a vision of the Satmar Rov
Story: A Motzoei Shabbos Brocho from the Rebbe
Story: A neder made at the grave of Reb Elimelech saves the son of the Yismach Moshe
Story: An assimilated Jew’s Yizkor for his father stirs controversy , but is defended by the Seridei Aish
Story: Berl Meyerovitz finds his daughter
Story: Chasam Sofer and the Shira of the Malachi
Story: Chasam Sofer and the Yismach Moshe differ on the force feeding of geese
Story: Chasam Sofer appears to his son to open the Gates of Rachamim with Tefilla
Story: Each man will keep his position - a Brocha from R’Meir of Premishlan
Story: From Soccer player to chassid prayer
Story: How Beijing and Williamsburg connected the Buchenwald survivors
Story: How Reb Meir Refoels of Vilna became a chossid of the Alter Rebbe
Story: How the 42 pirushim on the first possuk of Parshas Bechukosai were revealed to the Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh
Story: How the Baal Shem Tovs Talmidim were moved by the Tehillim of the simple Yidden
Story: How the Gedolim revered the Tchebiner Rov
Story: How the Saba Kadisha helped the Yidden of Radoshitz get their own cemetery?
Story: If the Kollel in Yavneh will remain here , my name is not the Baba Sali
Story: Keep on making the black wax - A brocho from the Reb Yaakov Aryeh of Radzimin
Story: Miracles at the Tziun of Rav Amram Ben Divan
Story: Morton S Gold the lonely banker opens his heart to help others
Story: On the road it’s a different story - a lesson from the Maggid of Mezritch
Story: Purim of the Curtains - 22 Teves 5323
Story: Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld saves the life of a secularist
Story: Rav Amram Ben Divan - Baal Mofes of Morroco
Story: Rav Avrohom Yaakov Friedman - the first Sadigerer Rebbe
Story: Rav Chaim explains that fundraisers are entitled to their cut
Story: Rav Chaims late night visitor
Story: Rav Eliezer Lieber - Beginnings of Berditchev
Story: Rav Eliezer Lieber and the Baal Shem Tov
Story: Rav Eliezer Lieber and the Baal Shem Tov
Story: Rav Eliezer Lieber gets tested by Eliyahu HaNavi
Story: Rav Eliyahu helps the plight of an Agunah from Morocco
Story: Rav Mordechai Eliyahu , Sefardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, visits the Louvre
Story: Rav Mordechai Eliyahu answers back the Sheik of Meorat HaMachpela
Story: Rav Mordechai Rosenblat of Osmina instructs a young man to be a Mohel before serving in the army
Story: Rav Salant’s advice about a telegram from Novominsk
Story: Rav Shmuel Salant’s brocho to a childless couple
Story: Rav Yaakov Koppel Chassid
Story: Rav Yoel Teitelbaum the Satmar Rov - A brief overview
Story: Reb Avrohom Dov Auerbach of Avritch , the Bas Ayin
Story: Reb Menachem Mendel of Kosov gets help for an inkeeper who in turn repays the debt
Story: Reb Mordechai Twersky of Rachmistrivka tells a story from the Talmud Yerushalmi
Story: Reb Mordechai Twersky of Rachmistrivka tells a story from the Talmud Yerushalmi
Story: Reb Mottel’s debt gets paid
Story: Reb Naftoli Ropshitzer meets Reb Elimelech of Lizensk
Story: Reb Shmuel Salant finds the Ganef in a property dispute
Story: Reb Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov , the Bnei Yissachar
Story: Reb Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov , the Bnei Yissachar
Story: Reb Tzvi Hirsch of Rimanov gives a brocho to a wine merchant
Story: Reb Tzvi Hirsh HaKohen of Rimanov becomes the Meshoras of Reb Mendel of Rimanov.
Story: Reb Yaakov Shimshon meets a Chacham whilst collecting for Eretz Yisroel
Story: Reb Yaakov Shimshon of Shepetovka and the Agunah
Story: Reb Yechezkiel of Kuzmir’s Bracha for another 22 years of life
Story: Reb Yehudah Wallis puts on Tefillin in Dachau
Story: Reb Yissachar DovBer of Radoshitz ( Saba Kadisha) gets a visit from Franz Josef heir apparent to Ferdinand 1st
Story: Shlomo Gross makes good his pledge post humously
Story: Tchebiner Rov moves from coal merchant to the rabbinate
Story: The Ahavas Sholom of Kossov helps for Hachnosas Kallah
Story: The Alter Rebbe chooses the Czar over Napoleon
Story: The Alter Rebbe shocks a villager with his detailed knowledge of his doings
Story: The Aryeh DVei Iloi helps a Melamed recover his money from a wine merchant
Story: The Aryeh DVei Iloi helps a Melamed recover his money from a wine merchant
Story: The Aryeh DVei Iloi proves to be right in the case of an Agunah
Story: The Avnei Nezer advises after a broken shidduch
Story: The Avnei Nezer advises after a broken shidduch.mp3
Story: The Babs Salis miraculous mikvah
Story: The Beis Yisroel comforts a Holocaust survivor
Story: The Beis Yisroels sensitivity to others at his Tisch
Story: The Ben Ish Chai helps an Arab in his claim from a Jew
Story: The Ben Ish Chai helps an Arab in his claim from a Jew
Story: The Berditcher Rov helps a German Jew to see the Ushpuzin again.mp3
Story: The Bnei Yissachar in his last moments advises a wool merchant
Story: The Cossack has plenty of money
Story: The day the Chasam Sofer begged Mechilla from his student
Story: The Friday night that the Baal Shem Tov smiled three times.
Story: The Maharsham proves his accuracy even in his last days
Story: The Maharsham proves his accuracy even in his last days
Story: The Maharsham proves his accuracy even in his last days
Story: The Maharsham releases an Agunah free to marry
Story: The Maharsham releases an Agunah free to marry
Story: The Maharsham releases an Agunah free to marry
Story: The Maharsham's Kever is found under a Ukrainian playground
Story: The Maharshams Kever is found under a Ukrainian playground
Story: The Maharshams Kever is found under a Ukrainian playground
Story: The Rayatz as a boy defends a butcher and lands in jail
Story: The Rayatz as a boy defends a butcher and lands in jail
Story: The Rayatz as a boy defends a butcher and lands in jail
Story: The Rebbe Rayatz advises a sick man to donate a thousand dollars
Story: The Rebbe Rayatz advises a sick man to donate a thousand dollars
Story: The Rebbe Rayatz spends a shabbos with drunkards
Story: The Rebbe Rayatz taken as a guarantor as demonstrations take place in Lubavitch
Story: The Rebbe Rayatz taken as a guarantor as demonstrations take place in Lubavitch
Story: The Rebbe Rayatz taken as a guarantor as demonstrations take place in Lubavitch
Story: The Ruzhiner swears You will have a child this time next year
Story: The Saba Kadisha of Radoshitz blesses a father to have a son and gives the name as well
Story: The Satmar Rov’s Middah of Chessed
Story: The secret identity of Story Reb Yechezkiel Goldshtop
Story: The Shem MiShmuel gives a brocho for a child that his father did not wish to do
Story: The Shpoler Zaide
Story: The story of Savta Quinn:move to America and you’ll have children and long life
Story: The Tchebiner Rov
Story: Tithing the Straw and the Salt ( Rav SY Zevin)
Story: To give ones all for an only child was what Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev wanted to hear
Story: Who was Rav Chaim Volozhiner
Story: Who was Reb Aryeh Leibush Lipschitz , the Aryeh D?vei Iliai
Story: Who was Reb Sholom Mordechai HaKohen Shvadron the ?Maharsham? _.mp3Who was R?Sholom Mordechai HaKohen Shvadron the Maharsham
Story: Who was Reb Sholom Mordechai HaKohen Shvadron the Maharsham?
Story: Who was Reb Yaakov Aryeh Gutterman founder of the Radzimin dynasty
Story: Who was the Baal Shem Tov?
Story:A brief history of the TAZ , Rabbi Dovid HaLevy Segal ( 26 Shvat )
Story:A Din Torah by The Kopitchnitzer Rebbe
Story:Reb Michel Zlotchover’s Sefer Torah
Story:The day the Shinover argued with his father the Divrei Chaim of Sanz over saying Tachnun
Story:The Rebbe Rayatz advises a sick man to donate a thousand dollars
Story; Rabbi Chaim Ibn Attar in the lions’ den
Story; The bookbinder earns an honoured place in Gan Eden
Story; The self sacrifice of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe - in honour of 12 Tammuz
The Berditchever Rov issues his Chassid a permit to travel in a lockdown
The Ribnitzer has a Minyan for Selichos , but waits for one more …
The Tzemach Tzedek makes a Baal Teshuvah out of a landlord who has strayed very far
The year when Rav Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik had no Esrog for Sukkos
Who was the Baba Sali?

Rabbi L. Groner

Stories and inspiring thoughts from the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Tape 1 of 2)
Stories and inspiring thoughts from the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Tape 2 of 2)

Rabbi M. Krasnjanski

Rosh Hashanah Daf 7
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
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