The Jewish Multimedia Library of Melbourne a.k.a. JML, and formerly known as The Jewish Tape Library of Melbourne, was established in 1996 as an independent library and community service. It's goal and purpose is to provide a free and valuable resource for the entire Jewish Community in Melbourne and abroad. Featuring a vast collection of recordings in Melbourne dating back to 1982.
JML has been successful with professionally recording, editing, cataloging, collecting and organizing many scholarly talks, speeches, lectures, seminars, and addresses at communal gatherings and events held throughout the past 40 years in and around Melbourne by and on behalf of the Melbourne Jewish community.
This library is proud to make available its entire collection of valuable resources to the entire community via this website. This library and website is a non-for-profit and tax deductible incorporated entity.
Prominent amongst these recordings are those recorded at the annual Yarchei Kallah learning weeks hosted each year by Kollel Menachem Lubavitch, a post graduate institute of Jewish studies in Melbourne. These take place during the December-January summer holidays, for which we provide a professional service each year, by ensuring every single one of the many lectures are properly and professionally recorded edited and very promptly made available to the entire community. Back in 1996, our initial collection consisted of 250 recordings of lectures dating back to 1982. Today this has grown to over 1,000 lectures and continues to grow every month!
Our collection includes many lectures given by local Rabbi's and scholars as well as many other overseas Rabbis who have visited our shores over the past four decades. These lectures cover a vast array of topics.
The vast array of topics include:
Halachah-Jewish Law and Tradition as it pertains to practical observance in many areas including Ethics, Medicine, Science, Technology, Business, and all areas within the Jewish Lifecycle.
Self-Help in the light of Torah in important and critical areas such as Effective Relationships in Marriage, Dealing with Problem Teenagers and Effective Parenting, Effective Education, Psychotherapy, Matchmaking and Finding a Suitable Marriage Partner.
Others popular topics include:
Kabbalah, Chassidic Philosophy/Jewish Mysticism, Advanced Talmud, Prayer, Music, Faith in the Modern Era, Jewish History, Holocaust and Human Suffering, Moshiach and the Future Redemption, etc.
This rich collection is Melbourne's proud heritage and something which will enrich and enhance the lives of all those who tap into it and choose to benefit from this great resource.
As of November 2019 we have begun a major website upgrade which includes NEW BRAND REFRESH, NEW WEB SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT and NEW MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT. This means we will be relaunching our entire website on a brand new platform utilising the very latest technology and state-of-the-art functionality and user friendliness, which will also include many new features including podcasts, push subscriptions as well as a mobile smart app.
In honour of the upcoming Siyum HaShas, we are beginning with the launch of a dedicated new website for our recordings of the daily Daf Yomi shiur given primarily by Rabbi Mottel Krasnjanski. We invite and are eager to assist any other Daf Yomi shiurim held in Melbourne or around the world to have their shiurim recorded and uploaded to this new site via a special kit we will be making available for this purpose!
We also plan to follow this launch with several other new sites dedicated to Mishnah Yomi and Rambam Yomi.
This will all be possible only through your kind and generous support all of which is tax-deductible.
We fondly remember Mr. Yisroel (Izzy) Herzog OB"M, who has been the pioneering philanthropist which has enabled us to convert our entire original collection from tape cassette to digital format.
We are also greatly indebted to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Eliezer Kornhauser and Family whose founding support was in Memory of his father Mr. Eddie Kornhauser OB"M