Shloshim of Dror Pnuel (Robin) Rosenbaum
Jewish Ted Talks: Hey Teves , its meaning and significances
Yud Beis Tamuz Farbrengen 5773
Chassidus 24/12/84
Advanced Maamorim -Hemshek podah v'sholom Nafshi 1
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Advanced Maamorim - Shuvah Yisroel 1
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Advanced Maamorim - Shuvah Yisroel 2
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Advanced Maamorim - Shuvah Yisroel 3
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Hemshech Podo Besholom 5604 - 01
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Hemshech Podo Besholom 5604 - 02
Hemshech Podo Besholom 5604 - 03
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Raising Adolescents
Halachic issues in giving names to children
Issues in the Mitzvos of B'nei Noach (Gentiles) (1/1/97)
Man and Wife: Torah Theory and Practice
The Four Parshios
Asylum seekers & refugees in ancient Israel
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Mitzvos in the days of Moshiach
The Symbolism of Redemption / The Mystical Dimension of the Haggadah
A World In Crisis - Birth Pangs Of Moshiach
The Amidah - why 3 times a day - A cosmic approach
Advanced Maamorim Hemshek podah v'sholom Nafshi 2
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Advanced Maamorim Hemshek podah v'sholom Nafshi 3
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Fascinating Insights into Sefer Shemois -Parshas Boi 07
Fascinating Insights into Sefer Shemois -Parshas Vaeiro & Boi 05
Fascinating Insights into Sefer Shemois- Parshas Voeiro 05