Jewish Multimedia Library


Mochon Chaim Ordination Academy - 17th Annual Ordination Ceremony
Location: Chabad House of Caulfied
Reporting Abuse
Siyum Semicha Program -Chabad House of Caulfield
Siyum Harambam - Melbourne 5772
Ancient Laws in Modern Times - Why Cant We Just Move Forward Part 1
Individualism vs Conformism - Does Judaism Recognise the Individual

Rabbi N Abenaim

Horoscopes Or Horror Scopes

Mr. Dan Alon

Dan Alon - Munich Olympic Massacre Survivor tells his story
Location: Chabad of CBD

Rabbi L. Altein

Introducing Hassidus to the various religious communities

Rabbi Raphael Aron

Religion and Spirituality - Do they overlap?
Will the world end tomorrow night: Cults and the Millennium (Tape 1 of 2)
Will the world end tomorrow night: Cults and the Millennium (Tape 2 of 2)
Facebook and Intimacy- The Impact of Online and Social Networking on the Sanctity of Marriage
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Rabbi E. Baskin

Lost in translation - The biblical broken telephone

Rabbi Mordechai Becher

G-d, Man and Free Will

Mr Kivi Bernhard

The Jew- The journeys of an orthodox Jew keynoting to fortune 500 corporations across the globe amongst them Microsoft Mitsubishi and ING
Location: Chabad of CBD

Dr. Y. Bloch

The Jewish people & G-d

Rabbi L. Broh

The unique Mitzvah of learning Torah. How did the giving of the Torah change the world?

Rabbi O. Broh

Fascinating Gematrios - How does it work and what does it mean?
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Rabbi Reuven Centner

Parnasah - Choosing your livelihood.
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Rabbi Y. Chazan

Drug Abuse (Tape 1 of 2)
Earning a Living and the Kollel Student
Jewish Professional life in a secular world
Mysticism and The Paranormal - Dangers & Opportunities
Praying at the gravesites of Tzadikim
The Modern Synagogue and the Empty Pew
The Spiritual History of the Torah (Tape 1 of 4)
The Spiritual History of the Torah (Tape 2 of 4)
The Spiritual History of the Torah (Tape 3 of 4)
The Spiritual History of the Torah (Tape 4 of 4)
Who's the Boss - Faith and Human Initiative
Women in the Synagogue and Study Hall

Rabbi M. Chriqui

Antisemitism, Why? Understanding the nature of adversity.

Rabbi Dr. S. Cowen

Seven Noahide Laws

Rabbi C. Deren

Global Warming - Is it a Jewish Concern
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Rabbi Z. Gelley

Government & Religion

Rabbi Y. Glasman

Does G-d Exist? - A Response to Einsteins G-d Letter
Slavery - How Could Judaism Sanction It?
Cloning Part One - Defining Human Identity
Cloning Part Two
Interaction of Orthodox Rabbis and their Progressive Counterparts
The Agunah Crisis: Is Enough Being Done?
The Jewish Pinoccio - Is it ever ok to lie?
The Royal Baby - Much Ado About Nothing
What Happens To Us After We Die
Should G-d Give Us Lollies - Punishment And Reward

Rabbi A. Glick


Rabbi M.M. Gluckowsky

Left Wing, Right Wing - What if I don`t have any Wings?"
Practical Rabonus (Being a rabbi in our time)

Colonel Jacob Goldstein

Army Experiences of Colonel Jacob Goldstein

Mrs. M. Gordon


Rabbi Y. Gordon

The Structure of Torah Tradition

Rabbi Sholem Gorelik

Twinkle Twinkle - The Torah perspective on Astrology & Horoscopes
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Rabbi H. Greenberg

Judaism and Business ethics (Tape 2 of 2)
The Jewish contribution to medicine
Speak English but Think Jewish - The Jewish Way of Thinking

Dr M. Grossbaum

Individual potential and Torah
Jewish Women

Rabbi M. Gutnick

The Jewish nation and world nations

Rabbi C. Gutnick

Violence and Terrorism

Rabbi D. Gutnick

Belief In G-d
Eretz Yisrael - Setting The Record Straight

Rabbi M. Haller

Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Professor A.M. Hasofer

Critique of "Codes" in Torah
Religion and technology: The significance of gold
From Atheism to Chabad
The Miraculous Bible Codes

Rabbi A. Hecht

Birchat Hagomel

Rabbi J.J. Hecht

Siyum Haramban

Rabbi A. Hecht

Witchcraft (O.C.)

Rabbi S Hillel


Rabbi Avrohom Jacks

Does G-d vote Labor Liberal or Green?
Whats an ancient Torah like you doing in a modern world like this?
The Lubavitcher Rebbe and Israel;The Rebbe
Does G_d Vote Labour, Liberal or Green

Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson

Stump the Rabbi Q & A (University Students)

Rabbi Y. Johnson

Electing Community Leaders 1
Electing Community Leaders 2
Electing Community Leaders 3
Tzedakah Fundraising Dinners - A selection of Teshuvos
People in black hats should not throw stones - a lesson in tolerance
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Dr Kooshyar Karimi

[VIDEO] I Confess - A Biography

Rabbi L. Kelemen

A rational approach to the Torah's divine origin
Dancing in the dark -Heroism in ordinary life

Rabbi J. Kennard

The connection between the land and the people - Interview on Lion FM
The Way of Halacha -The Story of the Divine Human Partnership
Do we want our grandchildren to be Jewish - Why - What can we do about it.
Do we want our grandchildren to be Jewish - Why - What can we do about it. (Students)
Does G-d Really Exist? (Students)
[video] Does G-d Really Exist? (Mizrachi Beit Midrash - Repeat)

Prof Stephan King

The Ethical and Economic Foundations of Fair Trading and Fair Pricing
Location: Chabad of CBD

Rabbi S.B Lazarus

Just the same as you: A deeper perspective on our obligation to love every jew
Health Conscious;Judaism

Mrs. Ilana Leads

Australian Friends of Migron

Rabbi F. Levin

The Tax Summit - Tales of Talmudic Sages
Melbourne Smicha Graduation 2011

Rabbi S. Lew

Individualism in Judaism

Rabbi D.M. Lieberman

Aseh Lecha Rav: The Personal Mentor (29/12/96)
Bikur Cholim - Visiting the Sick (27/12/96)
Chinuch (Jewish education) of Children (29/12/96)
Elements of a Balanced Jewish Personality (26/12/96)
Hachnosas Orchim - Hospitality (26/12/96)
How can Ahavas Yisroel (Love of a Fellow Jew) be a Practical Reality? (1/1/97)
Individuality and Community (25/12/96)
Kavanah: The Inner and Outer Life of Mitzvos (30/12/96)
Sholom Bayis - Family Harmony (26/12/96)
The Meaning of Akeres Habayis (The Jewish Woman as Centre of the Home) (1/1/97)
The Modern Jew in a non-Jewish Society (31/12/96)
Unity and Plurality (25/12/96)

Rabbi Y. Lieder

N'folos Shel N'mushos (Hebrew) (Elul 5748)

Rabbi M. Loebenstein

Ice Floes & Aged Care - Jewish approach to ageing
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Rabbi Dr. N. Mangel

The 13 Principles of Faith (Women's Programme - 31/12/91)
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (M) 23/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (M) 24/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (M) 27/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (M) 30/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (M) 31/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (W) 23/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (W) 24/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (W) 26/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (W) 27/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith (W) 29/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith: "Moshiach" - The new world order (M) 25/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith: "Moshiach" - The new world order (W) 26/12/91
The Thirteen Principles of Faith: Moshiach and Resurrection 23/12/91
Can Miracles Happen In Our Time
Jews - A Supra Natural People

Rabbi C. Miller

Community Tribute for Gimmel Tammuz 5772

Mr. B. Montgomery

Successful relationships

Rabbi A. Moss

Credit and Credibility
The Kabbalah of Food

Rabbi S, Nathanson


Mrs. S. Paltiel

The Era of the Chashmonaim

Rabbi D. Rabin

Life's Four Mysterious Questions
Location: Chabad House of Cheltenham

Rabbi C. Rosenthal


Mr Arnold Roth

Israel, How true to its principles can the news repoting industy be in a war of rockets and tunnels

Mr. K. Rubin

Human relationships in a structured religious environment

Rabbi Yosef Schneier

Torah Sheh Baal Peh, Mishna, Tosefta, Sifri. Whats the difference - Rabbi Yossi Schneier.
Naming your child. What is in a name

Rabbi Dr. J.I. Schochet

Judaism in a secular society
The chosen People - Chosen for What? (Tape 1 of 2)
The Chosen People - Chosen for What? (Tape 2 of 2)
The World Beyond

Rabbi Schwartz

Eulogy for Rabbi Pinchos Scheinberg

Rabbi Ari Shishler

Men are from Zah, women are from Malchus
Are Jews Afraid of Fame
Spiritual View from the Top of the World
The Secret Part I - Do we really invite good or bad into our lives
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
The Secret Part II - The power of intention-choosing your life's direction
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Why G-d loves people who make mistakes
Are you ready for the change thats coming
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch
Did G-d really want us to work so hard
East vs West - Understanding spiritual roots of Islamic Fundamentalism
Living in a dream world - a mystical view of reality and fantasy

Rabbi Dovid Shmerling

Rescuing Gilead Shalit - How far do we go?
Tradition and Modernity
Peeking over the Shtetl Wall- Imparative Torah approaches to Modernity
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Rabbi M. Shusterman

Reading of Megilas Esther

Rabbi B. Simons

Why should I care what others think about me? Maris Ayin (mens program)
Its your choice or is it?- understanding free will
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Mr D. Smorgon

The 5 Rules of Success
Location: Chabad of CBD

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

Who am I.../ Stump the Rabbi...
Location: Chabad House of Cheltenham
Judaism and Ecology
Location: Monash University: Caulfield Campus

Rabbi M. Szmerling

Asylum seekers & refugees in ancient Israel
Location: Kollel Menachem Lubavitch

Rabbi Tzvi Telsner

Judiasm view on War
Freedom of Speech: Is Torah Democratic?

Rabbi D. Trakhtman

Judaism: What's in it for me?

Mr. H. Wenig

Judaism and Music - In the time of the Temple

Rabbi Z. Winner

Yarchei Kallah 5761 (2001) -
Yarchei Kallah 5761 (2001) - "Finding Equilibrium in the Midst of Chaos"
Yarchei Kallah 5761 (2001) - "Individuality and Community in Judaism"

Rabbi L. Wolf

Judaism and the ethics of advertising

Rabbi S. Yurkowitz

The month of Teves in Halacha & Aggadah
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